
count the memories, not the years

Today is a special day. Do you know why? 

Yes, it's Friday, but it gets more special than that. Today is a special day because it is my momma's birthday! I've told you a little bit about my mom already, but let me tell you a little more. My mom has a heart of gold - she is compassionate, considerate, and caring. She is truly beautiful on the inside and out. My mom is intelligent, loyal, and passionate. I'm so blessed to have a mom like her! I may not have learned how to sew or bake from her, but she taught me how to chase my dreams, work hard, and live with love. 

My mom has some favorite sayings - one of them is "love 'em, leave 'em, and forget about 'em". I know, it sounds kind of harsh, but as a teenage girl, this was a life saver. My mom helped me navigate through the roller coaster of emotions regarding boys and helped me get back up on my feet after the numerous junior high and high school heartbreaks.

Another saying my mom lives by is "Live, Laugh, Love". She obviously didn't create this one but it's been a favorite of hers since I can remember.

For my mom's birthday, I decided to put my developing DIY skills to use by making her something that will be a daily reminder of her favorite quote.

For this project you will need canvases (any size or shape you want), wood or cardboard letters (I chose whole words because it was less expensive), measuring tape or ruler (not pictured), glue and spray paint.

Step 1: Measure and line up where you want your letters or words to be placed on the canvas.

Step 2: Glue your letters or words onto the canvas. I used a super glue because it was the first glue I found in my house but I'm sure other glues would work fine. Just be sure to press down while supporting from the back.

Step 3: Spray paint your canvas and letters in the color of your choosing. I used an ivory type color. Once the paint dries, you're ready to hang your canvas!

Note: The wood or cardboard letters don't end up being quite as bright as the canvas. I liked this look because it helped the letters pop more, but if you want a cleaner/crisper look, I suggest spray painting the letters FIRST, before you glue them to the canvas. Then, do another spray paint coat to the entire thing. 

Maybe I can convince my mom to hang her new present, take a picture and send it to me so I can show you all the finished outcome. Cross your fingers for that one though! 

Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you so much and I'm so thankful for you. I hope you like your gift! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Lorie! And cute project, Ariel! :)