
birthday thoughts continued...

My mom's birthday inspired me to finally share pictures from my very belated birthday.

I think I'm realizing that birthdays are a bigger deal to me than I once thought. Not in a selfish way where everything has to be about me on my birthday. But, I think birthdays are really special. In fact, I'm just a big fan of all holidays.

I like a reason to throw a party. That's the majority of my reasoning.

But I also like moments to remind us of what's special in our lives.

I like when loved ones take the time to not only say, but show, they care.

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but this birthday didn't really encompass all of those things. I'm a little bit of a dreamer and idealist but I'm also very much so a realist. Another case of the war within me! This birthday fell into the traps of realism. The facts: my birthday was on a Monday (already a bummer right there!), it was my first day of nannying and my first day of class. This means that I left the house around 5:45am and wasn't home until about 9pm. In that 15 hour span of time, I didn't see a single person I knew. Not exactly the ideal birthday scenario. 

But, the sweet husband expected these things so he took me up to the mountains the weekend prior to my birthday. It wasn't much of a "birthday party" packed with all my family and friends around me, but it was a sweet and thoughtful retreat away. We stayed at a friend's cabin, went for a hike, went to Vail for part of the Teva Mountain Games, had a celebratory dinner out, and played some games. All in all, it was a good weekend and even though I wish I could have been with more friends and family, I was with the most important person in my life and that is a really special thing!

Here's a few photos from that weekend:

Lindsay and I relaxing by the river while her hubby fished!
Happy Birthday to me!
The husband and me by the waterfall :)
The husband tried to be a superhero (as shown) but we never made it to the top of the falls.
Dinner out! 
The Ockuly's were living in Vail at the time so they joined for my celebratory dinner!

 Maybe next year for my 25th birthday, I'll throw a big party. Who knows!? But, if I do, you're invited!

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