
hitting the road

In six short (yet long) days, the husband takes off on an adventure -- his audition rotations. This marks the beginning of a crazy season for both him and me. Audition rotations take place all around the country at spots where the husband feels he has the best chance of getting matched for his future residency in Orthopedic Surgery. So for those of you who like to keep track, here's the reader's digest version of our next six months:

June: The husband is in Harrisburg, PA; I am soaking up CO summer and taking a summer class
July: The husband will be splitting time in Denver, CO (with me, yay!!) and Cleveland, OH; I will be enjoying my time with the husband, taking my summer class, and studying for the Math Content PRAXIS exam
August: The husband will be in Lansing, MI; I will be starting my 2nd teaching internship at Adams City Middle School
September: The husband will be in Detroit, MI; I will be fully immersed in the busiest semester of grad school thus far
October: The husband will be at a different program in Detroit, MI; as for me, see previous month
November: The husband will be in Akron, OH; and again, as for me, see previous two months
December: TBD - either the husband will take on an additional rotation or he'll be back in Denver and I'll be finishing up my semester

The husband and I will try to visit each other when we can, but due to our demanding schedules and limited funds, the visits will probably feel few and far between. My hope is to visit each location so I can scout each one out. I mean, one of these places will be our future home for 5 years and I've never been to any of them before!

Although this upcoming season seems completely absurd and undesirable, it is truly an exciting adventure. The next six months will play a huge role in determining our next 5 years and that is an incredibly alarming yet thrilling thought.

After the husband completes his tiring six months of audition rotations, things will slow down for him. He will have completed almost all of his 4th year medical school requirements so he'll finally be able to breathe and relax. The residency match process takes place in February which is when we'll find out where we get to move to in June 2014.

I know this next year will be a whirlwind and I'm sure we'll face challenges unlike any others that we've faced thus far, but I am looking forward to this season - a season that is truly building our future.

The husband and I truly appreciate prayers all along the way. In six days, we leave to drive across the country to get him settled in at his first rotation. We are making the most of this trip by visiting friends in Kansas City, stopping in Indianapolis, visiting my sister in Baltimore, and making a quick 36 hour trip to NYC. I'm really looking forward to this trip but I'm not looking forward to saying goodbye to the husband. Please pray for safe travels, great time together, and an easy departure.



Betsy Hartman said...

thanks for posting this! xoxo

Kate said...

Love you guys! Praying for you!

Dylan & Berry said...

Great post and Happy Birthday! :) I recelty found out about your blog on Blogger Birthdays.
-B ♡ http://msberrystylish.blogspot.com/

Yanzel said...

Happy birthday! x

Zoe // The Caribbean Flower

Alyssa said...

What an incredible time your lives!! I'll be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers :)