
the thrifty style

Now that I’m back on a college campus, I’m quickly absorbed into the world of style again. It’s easy to turn off the “need” to have new clothes when you’re not seeing the new styles all around you. However, it’s not so easy now that I’m immersed in that culture again.

As I walk around campus, these are the thoughts passing through my brain…

“Ohhhh, that’s cute. I want that!”

“That’s funky…but I think I can pull it off.”

“I totally NEED that!”

“I wonder how much that costs??”

Welcome to the world inside my head. It’s ugly and embarrassing to admit that I fall victim to being “such a girl” every once in awhile.

My longing for new clothes increases by the day but sadly the budget for new clothes doesn’t. Staying on top of the trends ain’t easy or cheap but want to know my trick?

Wait for it…


Seriously, this is my new favorite store. Just ask the husband.

My schedule hasn’t allowed me to get out of the house much, but fortunately we live only 3 blocks from the best thrift store in town. This has become my outing excursion as well as my primary shopping destination!

I love the search of finding something worthwhile. I love the prices. I love the uniqueness. I love the proximity to my house. I love it all and I can’t get enough.

The husband isn’t always the biggest fan of my findings but I’m usually quite proud of them. Take a look and decide for yourself….

jacket: thrifted // t-shirt: target // scarf: pitaya // skirt: thrifted (originally j.crew)

tanks: target // skirt: thrifted // flip-flops: pacsun // watch: macys

blazer: thrifted (originally j.crew) // t-shirt: nordstrom // necklace: unknown // jeans: abercrombie & fitch  flats: kmart // bag: kenneth cole

I've snagged a few other great pieces from the thrift store but they have yet to make their outfit appearances. I'll post more as I wear my other great finds. But what do you think? Am I fitting into the fashionable world of a college campus again?


henning love said...

how super cute are all of your outfits especially nmber 3! love that one the most especially the blazer!

Betsy Hartman said...

Love all three!!

Erika @ rouge + whimsy said...

this post made me smile because you are so cute. and i think you're definitely fitting in. (although I don't remember college being all that fashionable... it was all northface and rainboots for me...)