
remember when?

Remember when I was a blogger? Yeah, I don't really know what happened. I mean, I have my list of excuses but still, I'm shocked by my disinterest and complacency with blogging lately.

A big part of it is that I appreciate the style of many different kinds of blogs -- food blogs, craft blogs, style blogs, personal blogs, and the list goes on. Some blogs are used to promote a blogger's small business and some blogs are simply there to share life with far off family and friends. As I read more and more blogs, I lost sight of what I wanted my blog to be about. I had so many goals but they weren't necessarily cohesive. I told myself I wouldn't blog until I figured out how I wanted to approach my blog and how I wanted others to see my blog. Well, I haven't actually answered those questions yet. I still want to but it's taking longer than I expected. Instead of completely ignoring my blog while I search for my blog's identity, I think I will still try to post a few things sporadically. The posts will probably vary quite a bit - some might be about food and recipes while others will just be updates about my life. Whatever they end up being, I hope you like it and I hope somewhere along the way, I'll rediscover my passion for what I want this blog to be.

A lot of life has passed and some events warrant a post of their own, but for now, here's a quick instagram photo recap of our lives over the past few months. 

I love finding new recipes and this Thai Turkey Burger was a big hit. The husband and I recently decided that cooking with ground turkey is way better than cooking with ground beef.

I made my first pie!!! Well, that's a bit of a lie. I've made a few other pies but this was my first "classic" fruit pie. I can't quite call it classic because it wasn't apple. But, I'm proud of my pie. It was a Pear Pomegranate Pie. Have you even heard of a Pear Pomegranate Pie? Probably not. I made it up. BUT IT WAS DELICIOUS! I promise to post more details about this another time and provide the much needed recipe. 

I visited one my best friends in Couer d'Alene, Idaho for her baby shower. Since then, her sweet baby boy has arrived and he is more precious than I could have ever imagined.

Snow. Snow. Snow. We've had our fair share of snow storms. In fact, I'm currently typing this while sitting at Starbucks drinking a hot chocolate and looking out the window as more little white flakes fall. 

The snow hasn't stopped me from going to school. Not once has anything been canceled due to snow. Unlike Seattle, Denver doesn't shut down just because of snow. 

The fun side of snow is skiing. The husband and I haven't made it up much this year but spring skiing is where it's at in Colorado so we hope to make it up a few more times. 

I've been fortunate enough to have a few weekend getaways to recoup and relax. This beautiful cabin was gifted to my Younglife team for a team retreat weekend. It was a much needed getaway. 

Being in school always means lots of studying but it also means making new friends. This is my sweet friend from my graduate teaching program. We are even student teaching at the same school!

Some great friends of ours recently got married here in Colorado. They both went to college with the husband back in Seattle so we had a fun night seeing old friends that came into town.

Pictures usually capture the sweet and fun memories of life and often don't fully capture the realities of life. Our day-to-day life over the past few months has been a bit less interesting. It's been full of studying, car problems, and doctor's appointments. I know, ICK! Despite those things not being so great, the husband and I are doing well and we're so thankful for the fun moments that have been sprinkled throughout. 


Jon Vaux said...

you're BACK!!:)

Erika @ rouge + whimsy said...

my tip-- don't worry about what you want it to be... just write what you want to write! i never used to post recipes and now I do ALL the time. :)

hope you're doing well lady! xoxoxoxo :D